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Deepstone Ponds


July 27, 2023

Deepstone Ponds


Deepstone Ponds will be a TEMPORARY LOCATION available for 7 days from when it first appears on the map. It will disappear after 7 days regardless of when you first visit it.

You will be able to participate in an optional MARATHON on the Deepstone Ponds land. If you wish to participate in the marathon, do not make your first visit to the land until you are prepared. You will have 6 hours from your first visit to completely clear the land if you wish to participate. You can still play the land without participating in the marathon. If you do try to participate and completely clear it within 6 hours from your first visit, you will win a unique decoration for your land. The fastest 3 players to complete the land will win special prizes and emeralds.

You can join the event until August 1, 17:59 PDT. Results will be announced on August 2.

Land available until:

August 2, 2023

23:59 PDT

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